인사말학술프로그램초록접수사전등록행사장 안내숙박 안내
Stroke mimics and in-hospital strokes: Educational session 좌장:김  제(충남의대)
09:00 - 09:30 Stroke mimics and thrombolysis 나현욱 (동아의대)
09:30 - 10:00 In-hospital stroke and reperfusion therapy 유준상 (계명의대)
10:00 - 10:30 Case discussion of stroke mimics and in-hospital strokes 박만석 (전남의대)
10:30 - 10:40 Q&A and discussion TBD
Scientific session 2 좌장: 강동화 (울산의대)
이  준(영남의대)
13:20-13:32 Effects of probucol on cognitive decline in ischemic stroke patients with high risk of cerebral hemorrhage: Picasso-cog trial 임재성(한림의대)
13:32-13:44 Differential efficacy of escitalopram on post-stroke depression: Symptom dimensions and lesion location 이은재(울산의대)
13:44-13:56 Blood pressure variability is related to decline of cognitive function in ischemic stroke patients with old cerebral hemorrhagic lesions 이주헌(한림의대)
13:56-14:08 Impact of white matter hyperintensities on one-year stroke recurrence 류위선(동국의대
14:08-14:20 Association of diastolic blood pressure with vascular outcomes after a recent noncardioembolic stroke 박종호(서남의대)
14:20-14:32 Influence of glycaemic control on ischaemic stroke in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus 안성환(조선의대)
14:32-14:44 Relationship between hepatic steatosis and stroke severity in acute ischemic stroke patients 김영대(연세의대)
14:44-14:56 Trajectory and predictors of cognitive decline of after incident stroke 오미선(한림의대)
Clinical decisions for complicated situations with atrial fibrillation 좌장: 장대일 (경희의대)
이경열 (연세의대)
15:15-15:40 Biomarker-based risk prediction for atrial fibrillation 정종원 (성균관의대)
15:40-16:05 Antithrombotics for concomittant atherosclerotic diseases with atrial fibrillation 김응규(인제의대)
16:05-16:30 Thrombolytic treatment for patients on anticoagulations 황양하 (경북의대)
16:30-16:55 Temporary cessation an re-installment of anticoagulants 신동익 (충북의대)