인사말학술프로그램초록접수사전등록행사장 안내숙박 안내
08:50-09:00 Opening remark 정진상 (대한뇌졸중학회 회장)
Remarkable stroke researches from Korea: Know thyself 좌장:구자성(가톨릭의대)
09:00-09:20 Impact of white matter lesion on stroke outcomer 김동억 (동국의대)
09:20-09:40 Treatment with IV tPA in the golden hour: GWTW data with Korean perspectives 김준태 (전남의대)
9:40 - 10:00 EUREKA trial 남효석 (연세의대)
10:00 - 10:20 Triple AXEL: Early anticoagulation in acute ischemic stroke 홍근식 (인제의대)
10:20 - 10:40 PICASSO trial 권순억 (울산의대)
10:40-10:55 Coffee Break
Plenary session 좌장: 허지회 (대한뇌졸중학회 이사장)
10:55-11:55 Decision making under uncertainty in stroke care: Lessons learned from neuroeconomics Gustavo Saposnik (University of Toronto)
11:55-12:15 Ceremony: Young investigator awards
Symposium 좌장: 노재규 (국군수도병원)
이광호 (성균관의대)
12:15-12:40 Right patients, right medicine and right evidence - ROCKET-AF to real world evidence 서정화(인제의대)
12:40-13:05 Updated systematic review and meta-analysis: Antiplatelet regimen for patients with breakthrough stroke while on aspirin 김준태(전남의대)
13:05-13:20 Coffee Break
Scientific session 1 좌장: 이용석 (서울의대)
김서현 (연세원주의대)
13:20-13:32 Acute hypertensive response in ischemic stroke as a predictor of subclinical myocardial dysfunction: A two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography 이정은(이화의대)
13:32-13:44 Effect of intravenous thrombolysis in small vessel occlusion: Overall and subgroup analyses 백영민(안좌면 보건지소)
13:44-13:56 Rescue stenting for failed mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke: A multicenter experience 장윤경(연세의대)
13:56-14:08 The practical role of multiphase CTA in triage of acute ischemic stroke for intra-arterial treatment; to do or not to do? 우호걸(서울의대)
14:08-14:20 Volume-outcome relationship for endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke in Korea 심동현(부산의대)
14:20-14:32 Collateral status set the onset-to-reperfusion time window for good outcome 김병문(연세의대)
14:32-14:44 Endovascular treatment of intracranial atherosclerosis-related large artery occlusion: Intra- and post-procedural concerns associated with outcome 백장현(국립중앙의료원)
14:44-14:56 Improved prognostic stratification power of troponin-elevation with combination of QTc-prolongation in acute ischemic stroke 안성호(부산의대)
15:00-15:15 Intermission
Endovascular treatment for AIS: KSS-KSIN joint symposium 좌장: 정진상 (성균관의대)
전평 (성균관의대)
15:15-15:40 Current status of endovascular treatment in South Korea 이병철 (한림의대)
15:40-16:05 Introduction to state-of-art mechanical thrombectomy techniques 윤웅(전남의대)
16:05-16:30 From time to tissue: Beyond 6-hour time-window for EVT decision 김범준 (서울의대)
16:30-16:55 Technical challenges of endovascular acute stroke intervention 강동훈 (경북의대)
17:00-18:00 Poster presentation professor-led poster tour 좌장: 김영대 (연세의대)
좌장: 오미선(한림의대)
좌장: 안성환 (조선의대)
좌장: 김대현 (동아의대)
좌장: 박경필 (부산의대)
좌장: 김영서 (한양의대)
좌장: 김성헌 (강원의대)
좌장: 나현욱 (동아의대)